Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Look Blog for me!!

Ok so I was a bit bored with the old look of my blog, and it is undergoing a few changes anyway, so thought I might do an "Extreme Blog Makeover" while I'm sitting here with nothing (except housework, sewing, scrapbooking, etc) to do.

I had started doing a seperate blog for my crafty, sewing stuff, but I figured that I have a few followers on here now, and so will put it all into one blog and hope people still want to read it!

So the other blog I had was basically a trial run to see if it is possible to start a sewing business from scratch (ABSOLUTE SCRATCH) I mean, learning how to thread a machine, cut patterns, EVERYTHING, and turn it into a viable business where people actually want to buy my stuff. I am going to concentrate on baby/maternity wear and accessories and have gotten it all underway. I have tonnes of fabric, tonnes of patterns.

Now if I can just make time to actually make use of all this stuff!!!!!

So my idea was to blog away about it, I even have a facebook page going, not that I have advertised it to any friends, I will leave that part until I have stuff I actually think might sell, but at this point in time I want to just show off stuff I make while still learning, get some feedback, learn some new skills and hopefully one day earn a bit of a living from it, so I don't have to go back to work once we have baby #2!!!

I hope you will all keep on reading and that it is as interesting as following my weight loss progress and the training I did for walking the half marathon!!!

Will be back again soon with more updates :)


I would love to hear from you, please leave me a message!